
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Slow Cooker Braised Beef

I got this recipe from the kitchn & they called it "Mexican Braised Beef". The thing is, I don't know how "Mexican" this thing really is. I do, however, know how yummy it is! I did change a few things though, so if you want the original, you'll want to check out that link.
This is theirs.

You'll need 2 Poblano peppers, a roast that's somewhere between 1.5 & 2 lbs, a can of diced tomatoes (drained), a can of Mexican stewed tomatoes (not drained), a sliced onion, and a little bit of oil. Sorry I didn't snap a picture for you.

You'll want to roast the peppers. Just turn your oven to broil and place the peppers. Keep an eye on them & turn as it browns. You want them to look like this all the way around.
Wrap them in foil & put them in time out for a few minutes.
While they're thinking about what they did wrong, cut the roast into chunks. Remove as much fat as you can and place in pan with oil.
Sear for a couple of minutes on each side. We're not trying to cook it, we just want it brown. While that's going, unwrap the peppers and peel the skin off.
Remove the stem & the seeds then dice.
Once the meat is done, place it on a plate, but don't clean the pan. Toss in the onion & brown.
Add the peppers.
Toss around a bit then add the tomatoes.
Simmer the sauce for a few minutes then pour into your slow cooker. Put the beef on top & let cook on low for 7 hours.
Once done, shred the meat using a couple of forks. I served ours on top of rice. I made it a little special by adding some cilantro & the juice of one lime to the water I cooked the rice in.
What I found was that it was tasty as is, but it really was over-the-top with a tad of sour cream & a little salt.

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