
Monday, January 28, 2013

Hello dear readers,

It is I, your resident crafter/baker/cook. I was involved in an accident over the weekend and therefore will not be making my usual post this week. I am fine, but poor Berta needs a facelift. Prayers that her repairs go smoothly would be appreciated. We'll be back with our regular scheduled programming next week.
Till then, take care and many blessings,

Monday, January 21, 2013

SODA MONTH: 7Up cake

Y'all, this is another recipe from Mawmaw :)
She makes this for all of her grandsons on their birthday. Sometimes she makes 2 depending on how many people show up. The grandsons fight over every morsel. And let me tell you, you don't want to get between them and this cake!

You'll need:
1 box lemon cake mix (this one doesn't have corn syrup)
1 box instant vanilla pudding
4 eggs
10oz 7Up (or Sierra Mist to be corn-free)
3/4c oil

For the glaze:
1c powdered sugar (Trader Joe's has a corn-starch free version)
2Tbsp milk
1tsp lemon juice

Preheat oven to 350. Mix all the cake ingredients together & pour into a greased bundt cake pan. Wilton's Cake Release works magic, just saying. Cook for 45-60 minutes until inserted toothpick comes out clean.

Let cake sit in pan while you mix the glaze. Whisk all the ingredients together to get all the lumps out. Turn cake onto plate & pour glaze on top.


Monday, January 14, 2013

SODA MONTH: Coca-Cola Roast

This is another recipe from Mike's grandma. Man, this lady can cook! A bonus to this recipe is that it's SUPER EASY!

You'll need:
a cooked roast
1/2c ketchup
2Tbsp mustard
2oz Coca-Cola (or diet if you're watching corn)

Mix the ketchup, mustard, & Coke in a bowl.

Pour over your roast & enjoy!

Monday, January 7, 2013

SODA MONTH: 7up Rolls

I decided a while back that I wanted to do something fun and make a month's worth of posts using sodas in my recipes!

The first is something I found on Pinterest. The link took me here, but I decided to use Sierra Mist since it's made with real sugar and not high fructose corn syrup.

You'll need:
1 1/2c sour cream
2c Bisquick (Bisquick Complete & Bisquick Gluten-free are corn free) + more for dusting
1/2c 7up or Sierra Mist
1/2 stick butter.

Heat oven to 400. Cut the sour cream into the Bisquick until crumbly. Add the 7up. The dough will be very soft.
Pour some Bisquick onto the counter, pour the dough on top, and then pour more Bisquick on top of the dough. Flatten the dough and cut into 9 rolls.This is where I went rogue. I melted the butter in the microwave, used the butter to grease a muffin pan, then placed the rolls in the muffin pan. Bake for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.

I will warn you, these are only good when freshly made. Don't make them too far ahead of time because the rolls get a little....funky once they've cooled.